Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I may have confessed to some of you that I have basically cyber-stalked Sophie Crespy this year & am a huge fan of her scrapbooking work.  With this in mind, I tried to create a page with her whimsical style.  Not my usual look, for sure, but I am fairly content with the results.  The page came together really quickly & I used some oldies but goodies out of my stash. (Such as these large, clear letters... loved them once, love them still, always have, always will.) So, thanks, Sophie, for inspiration in a year where that was not so easy to come by!

Happy New Year

Well it is officially 2013.  I have been slightly under the weather lately, but apparently that works to my advantage in this house since my husband has felt sorry for me and let me get in a little scrapping time.  So here's the latest & greatest...  I only wish my camera captured the 3-D effect of those leaves that I painstakingly hand cut!